What is FIIT Mommy?

Becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful life-changing events a woman can ever experience. It is also, simultaneously, the most challenging and sometimes isolating experiences we, as women, will face. Having a baby will challenge all of the relationships in your life, mainly and most significantly, the relationship you have with yourself. Mommy & Me creates a safe space where you can meet other moms who are going through the same changes and challenges that you are, at the same time. It gives you an opportunity to share your experiences, exchange advice, and form new relationships and bonds with other mommies. FIIT Mommy offers you all of these priceless benefits, PLUS, one more: FITNESS! FIIT Mommy was created to offer new mothers the opportunity to take care of their minds, hearts and bodies, all in the presence of these precious little miracles we’ve created. FIIT Mommy will teach you not only how to care for your baby, but also, how to care for yourself. Because being the best mom possible means being the best, most healthy version of yourself.

What is included in a FIIT Mommy class?

FIIT Mommy classes begin with a group discussion amongst the mommies, and playtime  amongst your babies. This time includes discussing topics related to your babies’ development lead by your instructor, sharing experiences, tips and support with your fellow moms, singing educational and interactive songs with your babies, and letting your babies explore and play!This time is very beneficial to both mommies and babies, as it gives all participants an opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding the development of your baby, and share your experiences as well as any challenges you may be facing, all while allowing your little ones to interact with other babies and share special bonding time with you. Following the group discussion and playtime, is 30 minutes of either mat pilates with your babies, or an indoor cycling class for mommies downstairs, while babies remain upstairs in our FIIT Mommy room to continue to play with your class instructor.

Why FIIT Mommy?

While we strongly believe in most common Mommy & Me class structures, we also feel that the missing element is fitness. A lot of new mommies do not have the time or resources to get back into their fitness routines and we wanted to provide an affordable and comfortable option to do just that. Additionally, many women injure themselves by returning to fitness too soon, or incorrectly, after giving birth. Whether you deliver vaginally or via C-Section, our program is designed to allow each mommy to enter back into fitness safely and gradually. And the best part of it all, is that your baby is there with you, interacting, observing and learning! In addition to these wonderful benefits, you also have the opportunity of building your mom tribe. At FIIT Mommy, we understand the importance of having support and guidance, especially through those first few months. And we also believe that slowly (and effectively) introducing fitness back into your life is imperative for your mental, physical and emotional health.

SEE THE CLASS SCHEDULEcontact us for pricing & booking info
About Our Founder

When our founder, Brittany Thompson, gave birth to her first child in 2019, she was not mentally or emotionally prepared for the postpartum struggles she would face. At the time, she had only ever heard of a very specific type of Postpartum Depression, where the mother experieneces  feelings of detachment from her baby following their birth. She had no idea it could affect her in the literal opposite way!

“One month after giving birth to my daughter, I was struggling intensely with a postpartum condition I did not even know existed. I would not allow anyone to hold her but me or my husband, I would lie awake at night in fear that she would stop breathing in her sleep and I would obsessively stare at her or her monitor, and I would constantly have visions of myself or someone else harming her, which I later learned are called intrusive thoughts. But I wouldn’t dare share this with anyone, including my husband, for fear that they would think I was insane and take my child away from me. When I was finally diagnosed with Postpartum Anxiety, I was so relieved to learn that I was not in fact, “insane”, but I was also very upset and confused. How could I not have known about this? Why didn’t anyone prepare or educate me? Luckily, a very close friend of mine urged me to sign up for Mommy & Me classes, and it changed my life.”

In addition to beginning her healing journey, Brittany met and made connections with several of her fellow Mommy & Me participants, whom she is still in contact with. She also remembers how many of them struggled with finding the time and resources to work out. Brittany had already gone back to work as a spin instructor at her indoor cycling studio, so she did not face this same issue. But she decided then and there that it was time someone addressed it!

“Being a first-time mother, I know how important it is to surround yourself with a support system, such as Mommy & Me. And being a fitness instructor, I know how necessary it is to take care of our bodies, especially after experiences as transformative as pregnancy and childbirth. At FIIT Mommy, you’ll get both, all under the same roof!”